The Convent
The complex of S. Francesco (Church and Monastery) is located right in the historic center of Gubbio, in Piazza 40 Martiri, in the same place where was the residence of Spadalonga’s family, friends of St. Francis, they offered him hospitality when he left his father’s house to begin his journey of preaching and penance. According to tradition, in this place Giacomo Spadalonga dressed S. Francis with the first habit.Trace of the walls of this house is preserved and clearly visible in the sacristy. Learn more here.

The Accomodation
The Friars Minor are happy to host the pilgrims who walk the Franciscan path, in the guesthouse of the monastery offering them a clean place and welcome where can eat and stay for the night. The accomodation service is provided by Corinzi 13 Social Cooperative, a reality well known in the Diocese of Gubbio. Learn more here.

For more info, please contact us.
Carissimi pellegrini, i Frati Minori Conventuali sono lieti di ospitare nella foresteria del convento i pellegrini che percorrono il sentiero francescano.
Per richiedere ospitalità, che quest’anno è organizzata secondo nuove regole specifiche per garantire la massima sicurezza durante l’emergenza Covid19, puoi:
- inviare una e-mail all’indirizzo accoglienzasanfrancescogubbio@gmail.com,
- oppure telefonare al numero +393703490485.
Buon cammino!